Monday, September 2, 2013


¿Quién desinforma a quien? Directamente de Izvestia y sin modificaciones editoriales, compárese el texto original que sigue, con su editada traducción al Español.
"Interviewer: Mr President, the most pressing question today is the current situation in Syria.  What parts of the country remain under the rebels’ control?
President Assad: From our perspective, it’s not a matter of labelling areas as controlled by terrorists or by the government; we are not dealing with a conventional occupation to allow us to contextualise it in this manner.  We are fighting terrorists infiltrating particular regions, towns or peripheral city areas.  They wreak havoc, vandalise, destroy infrastructure and kill innocent civilians simply because they denounce them.  The army mobilises into these areas with the security forces and law enforcement agencies to eradicate the terrorists, those who survive relocate to other areas.  Therefore, the essence of our action is striking terrorism.
Our challenge, which has protracted the situation, is the influx of large amounts of terrorists from other countries - estimated in the tens of thousands at the very least.  As long as they continue to receive financial and military aid, we will continue to strike them.  I can confirm that there has not been any instance where the Syrian Army has planned to enter a particular location and has not succeeded in eliminating the terrorists within it.
The majority of those we are fighting are Takfiris, who adopt the al-Qaeda doctrine, in addition to a small number of outlaws, so as I said this not about who controls more areas of land.  Wherever terrorism strikes, we shall strike back.
Interviewer:  Mr. President, this interview will be translated into several international languages, and shall be read by world leaders, some who may currently be working against you.  What would you like to say to them?
President Assad: Today there are many Western politicians, but very few statesmen.  Some of these politicians do not read history or even learn from it, whilst others do not even remember recent events.  Have these politicians learned any lessons from the past 50 years at least?  Have they not realised that since the Vietnam War, all the wars their predecessors have waged have failed?  Have they not learned that they have gained nothing from these wars but the destruction of the countries they fought, which has had a destabilising effect on the Middle East and other parts of the world?  Have they not comprehended that all of these wars have not made people in the region appreciate them or believe in their policies?
From another perspective, these politicians should know that terrorism is not a winning card you play when it suits you and keep it in your pocket when it doesn't.  Terrorism is like a scorpion; it can unexpectedly sting you at any time.  Therefore, you cannot support terrorism in Syria whilst fighting it in Mali; you cannot support terrorism in Chechnya and fight it in Afghanistan.
To be very precise, I am referring to the West and not all world leaders, if these western leaders are looking to achieve their interests, they need to listen to their own constituents and to the people in this region rather than seeking to install ‘puppet’ leaders, in the hope that they would be able to deliver their objectives.  In doing so, western policy may become more realistic in the region.
Our message to the world is straightforward: Syria will never become a Western ‘puppet’ state.  We are an independent country; we will fight terrorism and we will freely build relationships with countries in a way that best serves the interests of the Syrian people."


127015, г. Москва, Бумажный проезд, д.14, стр.2. Тел.: (495) 748–87–04. Факс (495) 663–38–12.


La versión editada en español, como aparece en el link publicado en mi pagina de FaceBook:

"¿Cuál es la situación en Siria? ¿Qué territorios quedan bajo control de los insurgentes?
El problema no son los territorios que se encuentran bajo control de los terroristas y los territorios bajo control del ejército. Ningún ejército en ningún país del mundo no puede estar preparado para el combate al cien por cien en todo el territorio de su país. Los terroristas se aprovechan de esto, intentando penetrar en todo lugar donde no está presente el ejército. El problema no es el territorio donde se encuentran los terroristas, que por otro lado cambia cada día y cada hora. El problema son los numerosos insurgentes armados que llegan desde el extranjero.

El principal motivo por el que continúan las acciones militares es la gran cantidad de terroristas que llegan continuamente a Siria desde el extranjero. Además, continúa su financiación desde el extranjero así como el suministro de armamento.

Esta entrevista será traducida a muchas lenguas, muchos líderes mundiales la leerán. ¿Qué les quisiera decir?
Quisiera explicar que el terrorismo no es como una carta de naipes en el bolsillo que puedes sacar y utilizar cuando lo deseas y después volverla a guardar. El terrorismo, como el escorpión, muerde en cualquier momento. En consecuencia, no se puede estar a favor del terrorismo en Siria y en contra de él en Mali."

El presidente sirio Bashar Al Assad cuenta todo lo que no publica la prensa occidental. Septiembre 1, 2013. ( )

Ambas versiones circulan abiertamente en todos los medios públicos y sociales de los países democráticos occidentales, lo que de entrada desvirtúa el título de la versión en español que declara falsamente presentar "...todo lo que no publica la prensa occidental."

Ahora, también difundida abiertamente en todos los medios públicos y sociales de Estados Unidos, la versión de*: Which Syrian Chemical Attack Account Is More Credible? por Jim Naureckas
El artículo puede leerse/bajarse AQUI:

NOTA: Mi padre nació en Latakia, Siria, y los últimos eventos en su país de origen me duelen como al que mas. Venga de donde venga, la crueldad infligida en esas inocentes criaturas víctimas de la matanza por gas merece condenación y la identificación de los responsables (los verdaderos responsables) más que la exculpación sumaria de los sospechosos solamente por odio al enemigo.   

El propósito de este comentario es ilustrar como, pretendiendo denunciar un acto de desinformación, se comete el mismo acto que se intenta denunciar. 

* FAIR is a media watch organization offering constructive criticism in an effort to correct media imbalance. We advocate for media access on behalf of those constituencies in our society that do not have the wealth to purchase their own TV stations or daily newspapers. We scrutinize media practices that slight public interest, peace and minority viewpoints.

FAIR. 104 W. 27th Street, Suite 10B, New York, NY 10001

Mas información en:

Arab League: Only UN can stop Syria crimes.  Secretary general insists military action "is out of the question" unless United Nations gives green light.  ( )

Disinformation flies in Syria's growing cyber war ( )

Australians for Mussalaha (Reconciliation) In Syria – About AMRIS 
( )


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